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Samantha Taylor


"I believe the early weeks with your  child are precious and  they should be nurtured & cherished."

Meet Samantha

I live in Essex with my husband and two lively sons (13 and 10) and puppy Poochion. 

I have worked in the NHS for the past 30 years in Maternity Services as a support worker. My NHS journey has seen me working in all aspects of Pregnancy (ANC, Labour Ward, Maternity Theatre and Post Natal Wards).


I enjoy working in all these areas but my flair and passion is within Post Natal care. At this present time I work in the community giving help and support to Mums and families at home.

Some of my daily tasks are, Giving Advice on Feeding, whether its breast or bottle feeding as they are both important for mothers to feel comfortable with and to get it right. Part of my routine is Weight Checks, NBBS and Nutritional Advice but the most important thing I do is Listening and giving Informed Choice.

meet sam

How can I help you as a Postnatal Doula?

A ‘Doula’ is a Greek word meaning ‘woman servant’ or ‘caregiver’.

A Postnatal Doula is someone who is there to ‘support the mother (or father!)’ by providing support both physically and emotionally in the weeks after a baby is born.


Baby Feeding Support

Bathing Demonstrations

Baby Massage

Daily Baby Help & Advice

Post Natal Care

Listening & Support


"I cannot recommend Samantha highly enough as a postnatal doula. From the moment I arrived home from the hospital with my baby boy, she was there—thoughtful, responsive, and incredibly supportive. She came to us the very next day and immediately became an essential part of our postpartum journey." - Read More...


Playing with Baby

"Doulas support the whole family to have a positive experience of the early weeks

with a new baby"

Contact Me
Samantha Taylor – Family Doula Support


Tel: 07984 515256

Thanks for your enquiry, I'll be in touch soon!

I'm on the Doula UK website...

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